I have not done an Everyday Adventures update since March so it is definitely time for another one. April went by so fast and my time for blogging was limited. But I am back today sharing a little bit about life outside of my kitchen.
That cake pictured above is a gluten free dairy free cake that my daughter made recently. It was so good. We even shared it with some company that we had over. Many people think that gluten free baking is hard and complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Gluten free, and yes even dairy free baking, can be easy and delicious.
I will share the cake recipe soon. If you are gluten free and haven’t signed up for my gluten free newsletter you can do so here. I share all kinds of gluten free tips, recipes, and products that I don’t have time to share here on my site.
My daughter recently stocked our freezer with pancake muffins. They are so easy to make and kids love them. You can use just about any pancake batter. We use my gluten free pancake recipe that is on my site. Pour batter into greased muffin tins and bake at 350 for about 18 minutes.
We love to make them with cooked sausage stirred in. Blueberry is another favorite. Chocolate chips stirred in make a great treat for breakfast. They really are an easy and delicious make ahead breakfast. Have you tried them?
My book loving daughter had a birthday last month. I got her this coffee cup and book set for a gift and she loved it.
I also bought this to play at her birthday party and it was great. I was not brave enough to play it, but quite a few people were and it was a lot of fun. If you need a game for a group of kids, young adults, or brave adults, it is really fun.
I read four really good books recently and shared a little bit about them over on our book site, From Our Bookshelf.
If you love books and reading be sure to sign up for the book newsletter that we send out a few times a month. My daughter is also doing a great job sharing all kinds of book related things over on Instagram. If you are on Instagram and love books we would love to have you join us.
I shared a few thoughts on running and life over on my main Instagram account last week, but wanted to share it here for those that may not have seen it.
Today is what I call a something is better than nothing run. It was only 2 miles. My time was not great. I had to walk for a few minutes between mile 1 and 2. It has been a long week. I am stressed and worn out. I had a hundred reasons why I didn’t want to run today. But I will keep it real and admit that I needed an attitude adjustment. A major one… I know running helps me focus and release stress. So I ran and I am glad I did. Rarely do I regret exercising, but I almost always regret not doing it. Sometimes you just have to push through what you don’t want to do because the end results are worth it.
The online world only gives us a small picture of someone’s life. The picture they want you to see. I could share all kinds of things about how I love running, how you should exercise, how we should all eat better, because those things are true. But that would only be a small picture of my life.
The reality is that none of that is easy. Sometimes you really do have to push through the hard stuff simply because you have to. Because the end result is worth it. That can apply to exercise, but also to so many other things.
I have never been much of an indoor plant person, but I might be turning into one. I recently bought several of them and I love them. Now we will just have to see if I can keep them alive…
I hope you have a great weekend!
Lately, I have been missing jogging and exercise. Since the turnpike, our road is no longer safe for such things. It finally dawned on me to just hop in my car and drive to a nearby neighborhood and walk around their block a few times last fall. You have inspired me that it is time to start doing that again!