I am sorry to once again be posting about our puppy. But I just could not resist.
We got Roy because we live in the country and wanted a dog that would be more of a guard dog. So far, we love Roy. He is great and the kids love him. But I am a little concerned about his ears. Yes, his ears. We have never had a dog whose ears are supposed to stand up. When we got Roy he was just seven weeks old and his years flopped down. We were told they should stand up soon. Well, I thought we were making progress and they were beginning to stand up. But now I am beginning to wonder. This is not exactly the fierce look I was hoping for.
And here is a close up.
What do you think? Is there hope? Are they just half way there and we just need to be patient? I think he is a really, really, cute dog but this just is not the look I was going for. And it stays this way. It just stays flopped over like that. But we will love him no matter what his ears look like.
Poor Roy : [ his ears aren’t doing what they’re supposed to. He looks awful cute though. I hope he can still stay with you even if he isn’t mean looking enough!
Yes, we will be keeping Roy:) He is just too cute and fun! Plus my kids would not let me. 🙂
Have Roy’s ears started to stand up more now that he is older?
He has just the cutest little face in these pictures. Almost like he has a huge smile on his face.
Oh by the way I’m a new reader and I was just going through some of your old posts.
Great blog, by the way.
Gloria, yes Roy’s ears are up. And I am glad you asked because I need to do a Roy update. I will do that soon.