Valentine’s Day is Saturday which means it is the perfect time to make a chocolate dessert!
Now I will totally admit that we are not huge Valentine’s Day celebration type people. Actually, we are not big holiday in general type people.
My feelings towards Valentine’s Day are very similar to the thoughts I shared on Mother’s Day a few years ago. Yes, it is nice to have a day to celebrate with the person we love, but after 20 years of marriage, I have realized that it is so much more than one day on a calendar and it is so much more than how those around us tell us to celebrate it. It is more than magazines and Pinterest tell us it should be.
It is more about the day to day life and how we live out our love for each other. It is not all flowers, chocolate, and romance. It is the daily giving and sacrifice that shows true and lasting love, not a date on a calendar.
One of my favorite Valentine’s Day memories are the roses my dad bought my sisters and I on Valentine’s Day when we were teenagers. They were nothing fancy. They came from the gas station on his way home from work, but we did not care where they came from or how much they cost, we loved them. Which to me proves that it is so much more than expensive gifts and fancy cards, it is often the simple acts of love and appreciation that hold the best memories.
After sharing all that, I feel like I need to add that I am not trying to be negative for those of you that love to celebrate it. If you love to go all out on Valentine’s Day, I say go for it. I am not totally anti Valentine’s Day, I just thought I would share my thoughts on Valentine’s Day and how commercial it has become.
And I do actually try to make at least a nice dessert on Valentine’s Day, so I really am not anti Valentines’s Day. And if you are going to make dessert on Valentine’s Day, it has to be chocolate. Or at least in my house it does.
So, today I am sharing a few of our favorite chocolate recipes. And really these are perfect any day of the year.
Chocolate Raspberry Layer Cake
No Bake Chocolate Cheesecake Squares
And now I need some chocolate!